1·The mutations trigger a signalling pathway that accelerates cancerous cell growth.
2·Those tiny black dots are nanobots delivering a lethal blow to a cancerous cell, effectively killing it.
3·Results: CK18, 19 were detectable in lingual well-differentiated squamous cell carcinoma, differentiated cancerous cells.
4·A report in Science Translational Medicine showed that protein recycling was accelerated in more than 30 types of cancerous cell.
5·Results CK19 was detectable in suprabasal cell layers in epithelial dysplasia and in oral cancer, especially in poor differentiated cancerous cells.
6·When Pusztai fed GM potatoes to rats, however, they developed potentially pre-cancerous cell growth, a damaged immune system, and inhibited growth of major organs.
7·The mathematics of fractals – very complex geometric shapes – is just what the doctor ordered, helping to capture the difference between the shape of a healthy cell and a cancerous one.
8·But this process then kills the cell which should mean it cannot become cancerous.
9·A new DNA-based logic circuit can sense the signs of cancer, compute that a cell is cancerous, and then cause it to self-destruct, researchers say.
10·However, in some cases, the cells formed clumps of cancerous tissue called teratomas, a major safety concern with stem cell therapies.